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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Appearance counts!

You only get one chance to make a first impression!

How you look does matter!  

Click here to view some professional image information regarding job interviewing.

Click here and read about how your appearance counts as a professional.  When you have finished the article, begin your blog.

This week's blog should contain at least one paragraph and the required images.
 1.  # 1- At least one paragraph about the impression a non-professional appearance can make on co-workers and on future employers.  Why is it important?
 2.  #2 - Two images you have obtained from the internet (Google images preferably.) One image depicting your view of what a professional image (young teacher) should look like.  One image depicting a picture of (a young teacher) you think isn't a professional look.  

Follow the rubric for a maximum score.  Your blog is due on Monday, April 1.