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Friday, August 23, 2013

A New Year

It hardly seems like it is time for another new school year to begin.  I am excited to see each and every one of you!  Some are familiar faces and some will be new.  I am looking forward to getting acquainted with the new ones and reacquainted with the returning students. 

Take a look at the end of year video from last year.  If you are a returning student, it will be a reminder of the fun we had last year.  If you are a  new student, it will show you how much there is to be involved with - in this class. 

Embrace your inner blogger and comment below on what you are most looking forward to,  this year as an Education and Training Intern.  Yes, it is a grade.  You will click on the little pencil below.  You may need to log in to your gmail account.  Be sure and sign your name. 

This will be a great year!