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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Howard Gardner on Digital Youth

2nd year interns will use headphones and watch this short video. When you are finished, choose one of the questions and create a post on your blog using the question as your blog title and your discussion of the chosen question as your post. Be sure to link Howard Gardner's video to the post.  This will be due on Friday, Sept. 30.  Click here to view the rubric that will be used to grade this assignment. 

1. What are specific ethical issues you see kids struggling when they use digital media?
2. How is our sense of identity changing in the digital world? How can adults learn from kids and guide them at the same time?
3. Digital tools make it extremely easy to communicate with anyone in the world. What are the opportunities and challenges for kids?
4. Do you think digital media are having a negative impact on kids' attention span? What are the implications for home and school?
5. How does teaching and learning change in a world where information is at your fingertips?

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