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Friday, August 23, 2013

A New Year

It hardly seems like it is time for another new school year to begin.  I am excited to see each and every one of you!  Some are familiar faces and some will be new.  I am looking forward to getting acquainted with the new ones and reacquainted with the returning students. 

Take a look at the end of year video from last year.  If you are a returning student, it will be a reminder of the fun we had last year.  If you are a  new student, it will show you how much there is to be involved with - in this class. 

Embrace your inner blogger and comment below on what you are most looking forward to,  this year as an Education and Training Intern.  Yes, it is a grade.  You will click on the little pencil below.  You may need to log in to your gmail account.  Be sure and sign your name. 

This will be a great year! 


  1. I am most looking forward to getting to know my fellow interns. I really want to be closer to all of them. I feel like last year, I knew everybody, but we didn't really talk and we never hung out. As classmates, we should have a mutual respect for each other and be able to talk comfortably with them. We should be able to have each others' backs and be there to help each other, whether it be with school work or something deeper. Life is about the relationships we have with other people. Make those relationships count.

  2. As a returning intern, I am most looking forward to continuing the amazing journey that I able to begin last year. I also want to see what new things the first years can accomplish and discover this year. This will be a great year.

  3. Returning to the Education and Training class I am most looking forward to getting to know all the new interns and catching up with the other returning interns. I am also looking forward to competing again at region and state and maybe even nationals this year! Lets make the year great!

  4. I am looking forward to getting a new class room, and getting to know and teaching new students. Last year, in my first year as an intern, that was my favorite thing. I loved getting to be with them, and I'm sure I'll love it even more this year.

  5. I am looking forward to starting a new year with all of the new lovely interns, but most of all I'm looking forward to meeting my new students, and becoming a role model. I cannot wait to see how far competitions will go this year, to see who will excel in their projects. I know we will all go far and accomplish great things. Every one who sets foot in this classroom are expected to o fantastic in all things they try, which makes this class very enjoyable. I can't wait to get this year started!

  6. I am looking forward to this year in Education in Training. I can't wait to make new friends and to show the first years how this class works. I can't wait to see how far I can go in the competition season. I'm ready to compete and defeat!

  7. I am looking forward to meeting new interns and getting closer to the ones I know already. Last year was filled with so many memories from field trips, region, state, and site school days. It was such a great year last year. Yet, this year it's so exciting to think about being in a new classroom and getting to have new students. It's going to be a great and I can't wait to share it with all of you!

  8. I am looking forward to taking on this year with this group of interns. Having double the amount of interns should be give us a chance to accomplish things we couldn't before. Region and State is going to be so much fun! I am looking forward to see all I can accomplish this year.

  9. I'm looking forward to FINALLY being in a band class this year!! I'm also excited for nationals in Minnesota this year! I will qualify!! I will!
